Check-in & Breakfast
by Shyam Seshadri
This year's theme is on JavaScript as the centrepiece of a complex web stack. Over the past year we've seen the locus of web applications make a definite shift from the backend to the frontend. Where backends previously threw up final versions of pages, they now serve up parts that are assembled by frontends, parts coming from multiple sources, even sources that have no knowledge of each other. In this scenario, working with JavaScript isn't just about assembling data into UI, but also about sourcing it and posting it back to wherever it needs to go.
Web stacks we've built over the past decade continue to remain in whatever languages they were written in, because rewriting code is hard. Instead, we're seeing JavaScript as an embedded language inside Python and Ruby (via ExecJS), facilitating code reuse between frontend and backend, and giving JavaScript new significance without completely knocking over a stack.
Do you have a story to share where JavaScript was a critical component in a significant feat of engineering? Have you learnt anything about API design and code reuse? Share it at JSFoo.
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