In the extremely fast-paced world of JavaScript development, it's easy for a developer to lose their way amidst the plethora of frameworks and libraries being stuffed in their face. While moving from grunt to gulp, from jquery to backbone to angular to react, from animations in the browser to ORMs on the server to sensors on a board, and all that in the scope of a few years, the developer often loses focus of the bare bones language in question — the small, powerful, quirky JavaScript, they once fell in love with.
Let's take a step back, and focus on what makes great JavaScript code, great! No wrangling with a library, no introductory tutorial on framework, we'll just look at plain old vanilla.js code from one of the most popular JavaScript libraries in existence, to learn a thing or two about writing good code: what design patterns to use, what to avoid, how to avoid the quirks of language, how to work with them, how do the seasoned devs code?
Let's learn from the collective intelligence of hundreds of contributors to take home at least a few coding lessons we can put to use immediately. Let's focus on the language again and rekindle that romance!