Check-in & Breakfast
by Shyam Seshadri
Workshops will cover JS frameworks such as Angular, Meteor and React – to help participants learn how to hack/extend these frameworks to customize something.
Workshops will be held at The Energy & Resources Institute(TERI), Domlur, Bangalore on 17 & 18 September 2014.
Participants would understand how ReactJS works and how to build a single page app with ReactJS. We will also briefly touch upon the Flux application architecture and see how we can architect applications with the Flux architecture
The aim is to get developers up, running and comfortable with AngularJS within a day. To break it down further:
This workshop will teach you to develop a full-fledged web app on Meteor.
We will be developing TeamSync (Realtime Collaboration Tool)
TeamSync is a realtime collaboration tool which allows the users to collaborate with their team members realtime. Team members can update their status on what they are upto ,add missions, assign tasks , track productivity & chat with the team.
The best thing is you only need basic knownledge of javascript to build this full-fledged app. Meteor makes it so simple for you.
The Energy and Research Institute (TERI)
4th Main Rd, Domlur II Stage,
Domlur, Bangalore,
Karnataka 560008, India